19 People Share Their Most Interesting Revelations About the Opposite Gender
We are all guilty of having believed some common misconceptions or stereotypical things about the opposite gender. Some things you may have been told by someone else, or perhaps just a lack of knowledge or understanding are to blame. If you didn't grow up with sisters as a boy, or brothers as a girl, it is often not until you start dating or move in with someone that you find out the real deal about them and their habits.
So check out this list of people who shared the things they learned while growing up, dating, or moving in with someone of the opposite gender.
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A woman "out of your league" may not be looking for some Andrew Tate Agressive Alpha Male wannabe. She may actually have a crush on you and be just as shy to approach as you are. -
Women's pants don’t have a waist size and leg length. Just an arbitrary number. The heck is a size 3? -
Men really do sit there and think about the most random things. You think they’re mad at you, but they’re seriously just contemplating what would happen if oxygen just suddenly disappeared for a brief moment. -
That men & women are way more similar that we are lead to believe. Men can have just as much anxiety and insecurities as women. They just express them differently. -
It's all fun and games until you put her favorite bra in the dryer, even accidentally. -
That women can withstand you lying on top of them, I was always afraid of crushing or suffocating them. -
Apparently, women just want to vent and don't want you to fix their problems. Just listen to them and tell them you understand how it is frustrating. -
After watching my wife give birth this week I realized she's way way way tougher than I am. -
It was decades ago, but until I lived with a woman I had no clue how expensive bras were. I honestly thought they were like underpants -- maybe $10 for a three-pack. -
Most men don't care about or even see the flaws we ridicule ourselves for. -
The amount of hair women shed is astounding. -
Shirt buttons are on the other side? But, why? -
Men don't care about the size of your honkers half as much as I (F) thought they do. Every man's favorite breast size is whichever ones are right in front of him. -
I was 16/17 when I found out periods happen over time, not an instant gush of blood that comes out at some random point over a one week time period. I blame adverts for underwear liners where they poured all the blue liquid out at once. -
That men can wake up fully hard for no reason at all. -
I learnt on Reddit that they don't stick those pad things to themselves -
Women just want lunch and dresses with pockets -
I think I was a teenager when I realized that my assumption - 95% percent of women think they're beautiful - was actually the inverse of reality. -
Vaginas are farther down than I expected.
A woman "out of your league" may not be looking for some Andrew Tate Agressive Alpha Male wannabe. She may actually have a crush on you and be just as shy to approach as you are.